Thursday, April 1, 2010

Writing Assignment

Human Population

Your assignment is to write an "opinion piece" for a newspaper (you should indicate which paper you choose to write for) discussing some aspect of humnan population growth at a local, regional, state, national, or international scale. Because this is a class about the environment, at least some of your paper should discuss the relationship between population and environmental issues.

Length: Maximum of three pages double spaced.

Rough Draft Due: Thursday April 15th

Final Draft Due: Tuesday May 4th

Asian Carp- an Invasive Species

Presenter: Elizabeth Portillo

Date: April 1, 2010


Here is a video from CBS that I think hits a lot of the high points of my topic if you would like to post it on the blog prior to or after my presentation:

Expected Learning Outcomes

By the end of this presentation a fully engaged student should be able to:

- define invasive species
- discuss the threats caused by invasive species in general
- discuss factors that allow species to invade/succeed in new communities i.e. novel associations (predator v. prey) and competition
- discuss how and why Asian Carp were introduced
- discuss threats caused by Asian Carp
- discuss strategies to exclude or eliminate Asian Carp
- discuss the ongoing political issues and supreme court involvement regarding prevention of Asian Carp spread

Powerpoint Presentation